Motor Vehicle Accidents


your RMS
We Make it Simple to Recover the Cost of Motor Vehicle Incident Response
The costs of responding to motor vehicle incidents are a large portion of any department’s budget. The tools, equipment and manpower used for these responses dramatically impact department budgets. Fire Recovery USA has a proven system to recover these costs, with minimal additional work for departments.
Our system automatically identifies billable runs through your RMS system, imports those runs into our system, and after your approval, allow us to immediately contact billing. Insurance typically pays on a first in – first out basis so timely processing of your charges is imperative. With our nationwide client base, we have developed the most efficient and effective system for cost recovery.
Choose your submission method. We do the rest.
We invoice, follow up, collect and issue your funds. It’s that easy.
Collect in the field, submit in the field or when you return
Enter the run information into our online data collector or your RMS, then submit the run via our online billing portal
Log incidents in real-time, from any mobile device
Use our field-based data collector to log run information in real-time, right from the scene, with an iPad, tablet or PC. All you need is an internet connection.
Automatic data transfer from your RMS
With our proprietary Recovery Link Software, we can integrate seamlessly with numerous data and Records Management Systems (RMS). Your run data can automatically transfer your RMS to our Recovery Hub.
The Billing Process
Choose your submission method. We do the rest.
It starts at the scene of the incident Firefighters collect standard scene data (vehicle information, party information, insurance, VIN, etc.) and submit it to us, using one of the three simple submission methods.
We invoice on your behalf
Our processing team reviews the run, creates an invoice based on your billing ordinance or resolution, and bill the insurance company or individual directly based on your billing parameters.
We do the follow-up work for you!
We work with all parties on your behalf to help you get paid. We only get paid when we collect for you!
Unparalleled transparency
Easy Access to all of your Billing & Invoicing Information including 24/7 access to submitted runs, and each call made on your behalf to collect the claim.
No other competitor offers this level of transparency.
Integration with your RMS
We will work with your EMS Patient Care Reporting system to ensure PHI is electronically transferred to us. We also have the ability to package in EMS PCR Software as well as hardware into any contract.